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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Teton, WY

location-map Teton , WY | (240) 366 2721

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Usually, when we're facing challenges that feel overwhelming, we crave understanding and acceptance...someone who will listen, provide support and stand side by side with us as we navigate our way through murky waters. We also long for relief from whatever is causing us pain - from harmful behaviors or confusing situations to emotions or thoughts that feel out of control. We want to feel better and to be free - free to take pleasure in the joys and triumphs of our lives and free to live our lives with the confidence that we have the tools and resources to cope with whatever pain may appear. I have experience working in a variety of specialized areas, including mindfulness, DBT, depression and anxiety, women's issues, trauma, substance abuse and addiction, workplace stress, divorce and perinatal mood disorders. Ultimately, however, it’s the relationship between you and me that makes the difference. It’s hard enough to ask for help in the first place, so I want to recognize the courage it could have already taken to get here. At the end of the day, this is about what you need, including making sure I’m the right fit for what you’re looking for. If I am, we’ll walk this path together and I’ll be by your side every step of the way.